Monday, June 7, 2010

Week 4 - Online Collaboration Sites

During week 4 we went further into the realms of creating groups on Facebook, Ning, and PBWorks.  It was quite interesting but also scary at the same time.  I never thought to use these tools as a classroom tool but I am getting myself quite oriented with them and I hope I can use them in my future plans.  See I have never been a classroom teacher before just a trainer to staff such as the teachers themselves.  I have taught our staff certain pieces of software but now I have a much wider view on things now that I am getting acquainted with some of these new tools. 

Another discussion was based on Learning 2.0 and Web 2.0.  The students we are teaching are digital natives.  They think and process information fundamentally different.  Teachers are struggling to teach this population of students because they speak a new language.  Students are now utilizing digital media and social networking sites to communicate and work collaboratively with each other in the classroom.  We need to stay in competition with other countries.

Simply put, we have too much information and we can't make sense of it all.  It changes too quickly!

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